Tuesday, August 17, 2010

How A Second Passport Can Be A Lifesaver

Big Brother’s Homeland Security Department is already tracking everyone’s movements. The real reason seems to be more to catch taxpayers, not dangerous terrorists. Germany, Great Britain, Spain and France, among others, have similar programs. High net worth and minority group Europeans have always had second passports. These days, successful Americans also need second passports. There are already too many restrictions on freedom of travel, finances and associations with foreigners.

Currency controls are always a threat. In Great Britain, for years into the early 1980s, Brits could not take out more than the equivalent of one hundred pounds. This meant no vacations except for those with illegal bank deposits abroad. Virtually every country imposes exchange and currency controls of some form in times of crisis.

In addition, a Second Passport can mean safe passage without delay to a place where your particular religious group would be free of persecution. Who would have thought that when leftist regimes took over, that landlords and business owners would be subject to arrest, and in many cases, execution? Even in the USA, people forget that the landed gentry were forced to flee the country to avoid imprisonment or death... Once during the American Revolution, a second time in the Civil War, and more recently – several times when certain groups like Blacks, German-Americans, Japanese- Americans, were declared persona non grata.
Today, when a defendant appears in court, the first order is often ‘Surrender your Passport within 24 hours or go to jail without bail.’ This can happen in a civil case like divorce. A second passport can be a life-saver.

By ‘second passport’ in this case we mean a passport from a different country than the place you live in. It is possible to legally obtain a second or ‘duplicate original’ passport from you home country. These can also be useful, as explained in our full report. But not nearly so useful as an undisclosed second passport from an entirely different country.

Contact us at our email address at Banker-Trust@gmail.com to secure your second passport.