Monday, December 26, 2011

The US is turning into a police state and many countries around the world are following behind Uncle Sam. The time to act is now. So what should you do?

First, make sure you have access to funds outside of your home country. This is one of the most important flags that you can plant.  You should open a foreign bank account , and/or consider storing precious metals in a private storage facility overseas.

Second, you should really be thinking hard about foreign property. Why? Because it can be a great investment; it's an easy, non-reportable way to move money overseas; and it can be your escape hatch when you're finally ready to hit the eject button.

Remember, I'm not talking about a 50 million euro villa in Monaco; you can pick up cheap land in Latin America for less than $20 per acre, and I'm pretty sure that everyone reading this letter has at least 20 bucks to spare.

Third, if you have the means, you should really consider obtaining second (or third, fourth, etc.) citizenship. Second citizenship can be the ultimate emergency exit if things get really bad, and it effectively serves as the most comprehensive insurance policy you could even have. 

Fourth, give serious consideration to your finances; unless you are already independently wealthy or have sustainable income streams, think about what you would do to earn money if you lost your job today.  

Think about what skills you have-- what problems can you solve that other people are willing to pay you for? What opportunities to you see around you that can be quickly and profitably exploited? 

Banker Trust can assist you with any of the above. Just contact us.