Friday, January 9, 2009

How you would react if the country you live in now became a war zone? Would the authorities allow you to leave your own country? Or, as in Gaza, would you become a virtual prisoner? Further, what would you do if your own country – or an authority controlling access to it – wouldn't allow you to return home?”

The easiest way to get your ‘travel insurance, “The least expensive option is to obtain citizenship from Dominican Republic. Under this country's citizenship program, you can acquire citizenship and passport simply and easily. Total costs, including all fees for a single applicant, come to about US$24,900. Dominican passport holders can travel without a visa, or obtain a visa upon entry, to many countries and territories.

Other than giving you an "exit strategy" in case of domestic unrest, having a second passport and dual citizenship has numerous additional benefits: It can expand your travel possibilities, reduce your profile to terrorists, give you the right to reside in other countries, and give you a way to cross international borders if your primary passport is lost or stolen. For Americans, a second passport has another benefit: It is an essential prerequisite to expatriation; i.e., giving up U.S. citizenship in order to permanently disconnect from U.S. taxing authority.”

Contact us at if you which us to secure a Dominican Citizenship and Passport on your behalf.